We use our expertise to design professional, well-rounded, immersive content units.

We pick areas of the fellow experience in Israel that require a fresh, accurate design, and then research, design and implement them. We try to design excellence where it’s mostly needed.
When we succeed, we offer them to the whole ecosystem. When we fail, we iterate until we get it right.

We believe in providing value to the wider Jewish ecosystem and we are happy to put our content units in service of our partners.

Let's Chat


Half of Masa fellows choose Israel to advance their professional ambitions. MPH is a career management program for fellows who are interested in gaining concrete career development tools while making clarity of their professional experience in Israel.
The program is offered to post-college fellows in Masa programs.

My Israel Journey

The Masa experience is a whirlwind of encounters, insights and emotions. MIJ (My Israel Journey) is a structured methodology to reflect on the experience and articulate its challenges and take-outs.
The methodology is implemented in Masa programs’ staff training.
My Israel Journey


An immersive experience within an immersive experience. Four days of encounters with the Israeli landscape - social, physical and historical - while raising big questions on Jewish identity.
The MasaID experience is offered to Russian speaking programs.

Conflict in Context

An immersive program in Israel is an opportunity to drill down on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, within the context of the wider Israeli discourse. “Conflict in context” includes an extensive database of speakers and organizations that offer exposure to the many faces of the conflict, together with materials to have a value-oriented conversation on the topic.
The materials are available to all Masa organizers and participants.
Conflict in Context

Networking Leadership

Connecting with people is not a transaction. The Networking Leadership unit presents a structured theory of change to build sustainable networks based on authentic relationships.
The educational unit is available in our database.
Networking Leadership


The Masa organizers community is a professional, vibrant scene. Masa’s Educational Design Unit provides a range of professional development opportunities, based on its educational approach, to continuously innovate and professionalize the fellows’ experience.
The Matzpen calendar include day-long seminars, peer learning meetups and in-depth professional trainings.

Yom haZikaron

Masa’s Yom haZikaron Ceremony is the biggest ceremony in the world for english-speakers. The Yom haZikaron content unit is a unique collection of materials and methodologies to open a sophisticated conversation about memory, loss and collective identity towards the annual marking of Yom haZikaron.
The educational unit is implemented in Masa programs, in Jewish communities around the world, and is available in our database.
Yom haZikaron
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