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The Hipsters

Ahh, because if it isn’t Hipster, it isn’t cool. Little be known to the world that the hub of Hipsters is not only Prague but Jerusalem too. Winding down the old stone streets of Jerusalem, you’ll find young Israeli’s lighting their hand-rolled cigarettes and sipping local beer. Trendy new restaurants pop up every other day and the fashion sense is well outside of cultural mainstreams.

The Attire

If you’re looking to study abroad in Prague, you’ll have to get your outfits on point. Dresses and heels are the norm but do not vibe well with the old cobblestone streets. Who needs high heels anyways? If you study abroad in Jerusalem, the fashion sense is stylish and chill. Throw your Birkenstocks on in the summer and your leather boots on in the winter, and hit the streets.

The Beer

We all know that in Prague beer is cheaper than water, but what if you could be part of an up and coming craft beer scene? Israel is becoming known as the Brewish State, get it? For the past several years craft beer bars have been popping up left and right on the streets of Jerusalem. Pictured below: Jerusalem Beer Bazar

So you tell us what’s cooler. Be part of something already happening or making something happening?

The People (Other than the Hipsters)

Your semester abroad has to be something to remember, from the food to the people. The word on the street is that Czech’s are quiet and reserved. Come to Jerusalem and you’ll soon find yourself having dinner with the man’s family you just bought a tomato from in the shuk or better yet meeting new, local friends on your first day.

The Food

The average person studies abroad in their junior year, so by the time you pick your city you’ve already been all too familiar with the freshman 15. WARNING: The Czech cuisine is full of meat and potatoes making it very heavy. Come to Jerusalem and reap the benefits of the ever-so-healthy Mediterranean diet.

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