Join the Masa global network, a diverse group of over 1,000 Israeli companies, startups, and government organizations that have benefited from the contribution and global outlook of over 25,000 Masa Career Fellows. Together we will enrich the Israeli workforce by providing interns with placements between 4-10 months.

How do you employ a Masa Fellow?

  1. Fill out the Employer application – once your application is approved, the position will be posted on the Masa website
  2. Potential candidates submit their candidacy with the Masa placement coordinator, who screens them and holds an initial interview
  3. Placement coordinators send you the resumes of suitable candidates for you to continue the screening process
  4. Masa’s organizational system handles all logistical aspects, including visas, housing, and guidance throughout the program


Who are Masa Fellows?

Every year Masa brings thousands of young adults (age 18-40) from around the world to intern and/or work in Israel. They apply to intern in a range of fields, such as programming, legal consulting, business development, finance, marketing and more.

These young adults become involved in a wide variety of jobs in Israeli and international companies, and some go on to work in full-time positions – either in Israel or abroad.

Why should you hire a Masa Fellow?

Interns who arrive for Masa career development programs are educated young adults who speak various languages and can think creatively. They bring international experience, diversity, and innovation to the organizations they join. Together we are contributing to the Israeli workforce and turning Israel into a leading international destination for high quality people who are looking for career growth.

There are three tracks through which you can hire a Masa Fellow:

Internship Track

Internship Track

The Internship track enables you to hire (part-time, unpaid) interns from around the world, current students and college graduates (with a Bachelor’s Degree). Masa Interns come from a variety of disciplines, are highly motivated to learn, work professionally, and contribute to Israeli industry.

Junior Track

Junior Track

The Junior track allows you to hire young adults with a Bachelor’s degree and at least two years’ experience in the relevant field, in a full-time paid position. Fellows in this track come from North America, France, and England. * Junior track Fellows are eligible for six-month work visas at the end of the program.



The MasaTech track offers you access to experienced programmers and developers from around the world. They will come to Israel for a period of at least one year to work in a paid full-time position in your company. *MasaTech Fellows are eligible for one-year work visas at the end of the program.

How do you add a position?

Use this link. If there’s a problem with the Tax ID, send an email to:


Tell us about your Masa Experience!

How was your experience of hiring a Masa Fellow? What was their contribution to your company? Tell us about your Masa experience at:


How do you advertise a position?

After contacting us here you can open a company profile. Then you can advertise the positions you’d like to fill.

How long does it take to recruit an intern?

Usually, the match between intern and company takes about two months before the intern arrives in Israel.

How does the placement process work?

All available internships are advertised on the Masa website. Candidates choose the position that interests them and the program (framework) that attracts them. At this stage, Masa organizer placement coordinators contact the candidates for a preliminary interview and to review their resumes. The placement coordinators will send you candidates who meet the internship preconditions, after which you will conduct your own interview and professional screening process.

Is there a limit to the number of positions that can be advertised?

There is no limit to the number of positions you may advertise or the number of interns you may hire.

Interested in hiring a Masa Fellow? Contact us!

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South Africa flag

Eden Levi

Professional Training
It’s a great experience and the best way to learn Hebrew in a safe and encouraging environment.
You meet so many people from all over the world and make diverse friends.
Australia flag

Nathan Landis

The staff work hard to ensure you enjoy your time both during the program itself and at you respective workplace.
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