Like a lot of couples our age, Dolev and I met on Tinder. At the time, I was living in Netanya as part of Masa Israel Teaching Fellows (MITF), and Dolev just so happened to be visiting his family in Netanya for the holidays. We both swiped right on each other, and after chatting and finding a mutual connection, we decided to go on a date. Our first date was a typical coffee date at Landwer Café, but our second date is where things got more interesting… We went camping in the desert for a music festival! Looking back, it was a risky step into our relationship at that point, but I felt a spark between us, and my risk ended up paying off.

Dolev and I grew closer and closer over the course of my Masa program, and after MITF ended, I made the big decision to make Aliyah. Israel was already such a meaningful place for me and Dolev, and I wanted to make it even more special by making it our forever home.

I’ve always felt connected to Israel, and I’m so glad I took the risks I did throughout the years that led me to where I am today. Had I not participated in MITF and lived in Netanya, I would’ve never met Dolev. And if I hadn’t met Dolev, who knows where I’d be—would I still have made Aliyah? Would I have loved Israel as much as I do today? I’m so grateful that MITF gave me a gentle push to get out of my comfort zone. It made me realize that no matter the risks you take, everything will somehow fall into place.

Aly Pitt is a Masa alum of Masa Israel Teaching Fellows, a program with Israel Experience.

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