Make a Donation and Help Bring 200 Young Jewish Doctors to Israel

“Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to act.” – Proverbs 3:27

As the global Coronavirus pandemic continues, Israel’s medical system is in dire need of more doctors and medical staff to fight this terrible pandemic. The ‘Masa Doctors’ program, founded by ‘Masa Israel Journey’, helps hundreds of young Jewish doctors pass the Israeli medical licensing exam to live and work in Israel. Masa Israel Journey is looking to bring an additional 200 young Jewish doctors to Israel to join the medical teams fighting to save Am Yisrael.

Each year, over 80 young Jewish doctors from all around the world participate in the program, with each receiving a substantial grant from Masa to support their studies and accommodation during the program. Since its inception in 2008, over 900 young Jewish doctors have arrived in Israel and passed the licensing exam. With the global financial crisis hitting the people of Israel, Masa Israel Journey’s resources have decreased, reducing its ability to support the program, despite the growing global demand and local need.

Support Masa Doctors and Help the People of Israel

Your generous donation will be matched dollar-for-dollar by the Government of Israel, increasing the impact of your donation.

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Meet Anastasia Baka, Family Doctor at the "Clalit" HMO

Dr. Anastasia Bakal was born in Odessa, Ukraine and today lives in Be’er Sheva. A graduate of the Masa Doctors program, she is interning as a family doctor at the Israeli “Clalit” HMO in Be’er Sheva. 

“A year before I graduated in Ukraine, I came to Israel for Birthright. We toured a number of hospitals as part of our trip, which is also where I learned about the Masa program for doctors at the Soroka hospital. I am currently in the middle of my internship. I see a great significance in Olim who come to Israel’s periphery and make it their home. The possibilities to develop here are greater than in the center. I left all of my family in Odessa and made Aliyah. As part of my program, I have a local ‘host’ family here in Be’er Sheva. The city has truly become my home. 

Masa is a project that helps that helps and assists doctors who come to Israel and wish to pass the Israeli licensing exam, which is considered a very difficult one. In addition, the program helped me make friends and colleagues in hospitals all around the country, while also getting to know Israel in depth (although we spend most of our time studying together). Our program counselor keep in touch with us, helping us before interviews and with our paperwork. It truly feels like a family.”

jewish doctor in hadassah

Donations to Masa Doctors

  • 1000000

    Goal $1,000,000 USD

  • 103348

    $ Dollars Donated

  • 743

    Generous Donors

At Masa, we don't just design inspiring and educational experiences in Israel, we care for the future of global Jewry.

We rely on your generosity to help us continue sending young Jewish doctors to Israel, where they will grow as professionals and develop a long-lasting relationship with Israel. With your help, our Jewish story continues.

Masa is a charitable organization in cooperation with JAFINA. Jewish Agency for Israel – North American Council (EIN# 23-0053483) is a tax-exempt public charity in the United States under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, and donations are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by U.S. law.

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