University Of Haifa - Study Abroad

University of Haifa
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О программе

Академические программы
от - 4-6 месяцев

The Year/Semester Abroad program at the University of Haifa grants you an unparalleled study abroad experience in Israel that combines challenging academics with the opportunity to immerse yourself in an Israeli university. International students can choose to attend the program for one semester or for a full academic year and are expected to take three to five courses each semester. All of the courses in the International School are taught in English and are fully accredited. Students who are proficient in Hebrew are welcome to take courses in all other departments of the university. 
For more information , please contact:
Admissions Department +972-4-828-8728

Study Tracks

Semester - Study Abroad

Students who come to the University of Haifa International School for a semester or year will have an experience they will never forget! Our wide range of special track programs and courses fulfills any student’s academic interest. Courses in the International School are taught in English by faculty from a variety of departments within the University of Haifa. All courses are academically accredited in accordance with the standards and criteria of North American and European Universities.

Academic Year - Study Abroad

Students who come to the University of Haifa International School for a semester or year will have an experience they will never forget! Our wide range of special track programs and courses fulfills any student’s academic interest. Courses in the International School are taught in English by faculty from a variety of departments within the University of Haifa. All courses are academically accredited in accordance with the standards and criteria of North American and European Universities.

Ближайшие заезды

*Обрати внимание: стоимость программы указана без учета суммы гранта Маса

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