Tel Aviv University - Undergraduate Programs

Tel Aviv University
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Академические программы
от - 4-6 месяцев
Tel Aviv -Yafo

Study in Israel at our international bachelor’s degree programs combine world-renowned academics with mind-opening cultural experiences – all in a welcoming, multicultural environment. 

These programs provide you with a strong academic foundation in the first year and allow you to specialize towards the end of the program for a degree tailor-made to your interests. In the classroom, you’ll learn from professors and researchers with years of experience teaching and debate issues with other talented, motivated students from around the world.

Study Tracks

BA in Social Science Integration Program (for French Students)

Licence en Israël sans passer l’examen des psychométriques.
Ce programme vous garantira une adaptation progressive au sein d’un institut universitaire israélien de premier plan -– L’université de Tel-Aviv,
et vous permettra d’allier l’apprentissage de l’hébreu avec l’obtention de votre diplôme.
La première année sera enseignée en français avec en parallèle des cours d’Oulpan.
Diplômes proposés :
• Licence en Économie
• Licence en Sciences Politiques
• Licence en Communication
• Licence en Sociologie/Anthropologie
• Licence en Ressources Humaines et du Travail

B.A. in Liberal Arts (Spring Term)

The B.A. degree in Liberal Arts is a multidisciplinary program that focuses on the humanities and social sciences. This three-year course of
study provides students with a strong liberal arts education while empowering them to succeed in an increasingly complex and fast changing world. This is the spring term track, opening in the spring semester.

Dual Degree Program - TAU & Columbia University

Our Dual Degree program with Columbia University is for those of you looking for a unique and mind-opening international educational experience. This dynamic program spans two continents and two cosmopolitan cities, and will enhance your global outlook while helping you develop both language and communication skills at the highest academic level.

Experience the rare opportunity to immerse yourself in two distinct academic, social, and cultural settings unique to each institution. The first two years are spent in Tel Aviv and the final two, in the heart of New York City.

Your first two years at TAU consist of 80 credits, of which you can transfer up to 60 eligible points toward your degree requirements to Columbia. After completing your second year at TAU, you will matriculate at the Columbia University School of General Studies (GS) where you will further your studies, choosing from Columbia’s liberal arts majors.

You will complete at least 64 Columbia points toward your chosen major and core requirements, 40 of which will be counted toward completion of your TAU degree requirements.

The Buchmann-Mehta School of Music International Program B.Mus

The Buchmann-Mehta School of Music trains the future generation of outstanding musicians and prepares them in every way for a career in music. The Buchmann-Mehta School of Music offers a professional-level orchestral training program and intensive practical training opportunities with the Israel Philharmonic and its guest artists — the world’s leading conductors and soloists. Students get many opportunities to perform in the school’s renowned Clairmont Auditorium, as well as in the Israel Philharmonic’s famed home, the Charles Bronfman Auditorium.

B.A. in Management and Liberal Arts

Known for its international entrepreneurial impact, Tel Aviv University definitely lends a hand to the country’s pattern of global successes. After all, the University recently ranked #5 in entrepreneurship worldwide! Not only has Tel Aviv University become a success in fostering growth of innovative organizations, products, and ideas, the institution’s academic strength is unrivaled. TAU is 1st in Israel, and among the world’s best, for global citations of articles written by its researchers.

The interesting combination of Management and a broad academic education in the liberal arts, education that fosters critical and creative thinking and strengthens soft skills, does not exist in any other Israeli institution. Gather the tools needed to start your path in entrepreneurship with everything this interdisciplinary and unique program has to offer.

BA in Liberal Arts

The B.A. degree in Liberal Arts is a multidisciplinary program that
focuses on the humanities and social sciences. This three-year course of
study provides students with a strong liberal arts education while empowering them to succeed in an increasingly complex and fast changing world.

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