Masa - Nishmat - Shana Ba’Aretz

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О программе

Религиозные программы
от - 8-10 месяцев

Nishmat's Shana Ba'Aretz is a unique Jewish studies program for recent high school graduates looking for a challenging year of Torah study in an Israeli environment. Our integrated, on-campus dorm is apartment-style complete with equipped kitchens, and we provide a hot lunch.   With its well-deserved reputation for intensive text-based Torah study, Nishmat will give you the opportunity to spend a year in a beautiful Beit Midrash, studying in chevruta side-by-side with Nishmat's advanced scholars, developing proficiency in Gemara, Halacha, Machshava and Tanach. After your Shana Ba'Aretz year you will be able to pick up a sefer kodesh on any topic and learn it independently.

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