Israel Experience – Sheli

Israel Experience
18 Comentários
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Sobre o programa

Min - Entre 4 e 6 meses
Apartamentos alugados

The Sheli program allows everyone to create a personalized program to better adapt to the expectations and needs of their participants.
That way, you can decide on the duration of your program (a minimum of 5 months up to 10 months) and its content such as :
professional training
preparation for equivalence exams
a professional internship
You will also benefit from the expertise of the Israeli Experience through a professional and available team that will allow you to discover Israel and the Israeli society through excursions, conferences, volunteering, etc.
The program includes insurance and excursions, as well as a possibility of accommodation (optional).
The SHELI program is a personal program, but one that allows for many exchanges and meetings with other young people from the whole world !

Depois do seu programa, você...

Ganhe experiência prática

Crie redes profissionais e sociais ao longo da vida

Volte para casa com um currículo impressionante e aprimorado

Por qué esperar? Comienza ahora

"*" indica campos obrigatórios

Este campo é para efeitos de validação e deve ser mantido inalterado.

18 Comentários

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