Hebrew University – Graduate Studies- Non-Degree

Hebrew University Rothberg International School
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Min - Entre 4 e 6 meses
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Hebrew University's non-degree graduate program offers a flexible academic framework for students who wish to participate in seminars and language courses from a variety of areas. While this program does not offer a degree, a full transcript will be provided in order to facilitate the transfer of credit to the student's home university.  The areas covered by the program are precisely those for which the Hebrew University has acquired a reputation for excellence, and where Israel and Jerusalem provide a natural environment for advanced academic work: Biblical and Jewish Studies, Religion, Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies, Jewish Education, Israeli Society and Politics, and Nonprofit Management and Leadership. Language instruction is offered in Modern Hebrew, Biblical Hebrew, Akkadian, Biblical Aramaic, Literary Arabic, Colloquial Arabic and Greek. Students who decide to pursue a graduate degree at the Hebrew University at either the Rothberg International School or one of the Hebrew University faculties/schools may use their time in the Graduate Year Program to improve their Hebrew and fulfill certain degree requirements.  For more information about studying in Israel at Hebrew University, please contact: contactus@mail.huji.ac.il .

Study Tracks

Estudios de Iberoamérica y Medio Oriente

Estudia en el único programa de posgrado de Israel que se dicta en español. Explora la relación entre Israel, Medio Oriente y Latinoamérica mientras vives en Jerusalén. Obtén las herramientas para comprender las relaciones entre las dos regiones desde perspectivas integrales e interdisciplinarias. Realiza una pasantía durante el cursado. Study in the only graduate program in Israel where the language of instruction is Spanish. Explore the relationship between Israel, the Middle East, and Latin America while living in Jerusalem. Obtain the tools for understanding the relations between the two regions from comprehensive, interdisciplinary perspectives. Hold an internship during your studies.

Graduate Non-Degree Studies – Fall Semester

Complete challenging coursework toward your graduate degree alongside motivated peers. Work closely with highly accomplished faculty in advanced facilities. Deepen your expertise with a wide range of flexible and innovative opportunities. Immerse yourself in language study for a year, a semester, or during a summer or winter session. Conduct research at the best university in Israel and one of the world’s top 100 institutions. Study abroad in Jerusalem, a city with a rich history and culture – and vibrant entrepreneurial spirit.

Graduate Non-Degree Studies – Spring Semester

Complete challenging coursework toward your graduate degree alongside motivated peers. Work closely with highly accomplished faculty in advanced facilities. Deepen your expertise with a wide range of flexible and innovative opportunities. Immerse yourself in language study for a year, a semester, or during a summer or winter session. Conduct research at the best university in Israel and one of the world’s top 100 institutions. Study abroad in Jerusalem, a city with a rich history and culture – and vibrant entrepreneurial spirit.

Quando você vem?

*Observação: os valores que aparecem em cada programa são anteriores à aplicação da Bolsa de Estudo oferecida pelo Masa Israel

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Volte para casa com um currículo impressionante e aprimorado

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