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Leadership & Impact Center masa

Partner with the MLC

Over the past five years, The Masa Leadership Center has impacted hundreds of young adults through its established leadership development programs in Israel.  Our doors are open to offer our expertise to the wider Jewish world including workshops for partners and colleagues, and we welcome future collaborations.

Diagnosing Adaptive Challenges in the Israeli Context This workshop will hone your skills of diagnosing adaptive challenges by using case studies in Israeli society.

The Masa Leadership Center’s Summer Incubator is a six-week program co-designed with partners and subsidized jointly by Onward Israel and Masa. The Incubator is designed to help the participating organization make progress on a challenge that if is facing. We invite you to partner in our Incubator for 2021.

Partner with us in enriching the professional development of selected Masa participants currently in Israel through a 6-part track co-designed with you and the Masa Leadership Center. Upon completion of their Masa program, we help deploy Fellows into professional and volunteer placements within your organization.

Join the Masa Leadership Center in advancing the national Israeli footprint of senior facilitators in the field of leadership development by participating in our bi-annual Train the Trainers. This three-day Adaptive Leadership course is taught by a global faculty.

Send an early to mid-career professional from your organization to join the Masa Leadership Center’s 5-day Global Leadership Summit in Israel. They will learn with 120 peers from around the world and a top-class global while generating personal growth and professional and communal progress.

Bring a standalone session to your workplace which will help build leadership capacity in individuals and groups, run by MLC’s trained faculty, including:
Immunity to Change: Unlocking Potential for Organizational Growth
Exploring your Leadership Edge: Leadership vs. Authority with the MLC which

We also offer standalone sessions; experiential sessions that help build leadership capacity in individuals and groups, run by MLC’s trained faculty, including:

Immunity to Change: Unlocking Potential for Organizational Growth

Exploring your Leadership Edge: Leadership vs. Authority


For more information and to take part in our organizational offerings contact,
Sarah Mali VP, Masa Leadership Center:

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