About Museum of Italian Jewish Art
The Umberto Nahon Museum of Italian Jewish Art was founded in Jerusalem in 1983 with purpose to collect, preserve and display objects pertaining to Jewish life in Italy from the Renaissance period through to the present time. This is the only museum that collects original artistic objects and documentation from all the Jewish communities throughout Italy.
The center of the museum exhibit is the 300 years old synagogue, originally from Conegliano Veneto (a village located 60 km north of Venice) was transported to Israel in 1951, and has since then been used by Italian Jews in Jerusalem.
Through its unique treasures, images and artifacts, the museum’s collection recreates the richness of Jewish life in Italy throughout the ages. A history of cultural multiplicity bonded Italian Jewry to Italy, a country beset by centuries of fractioned states. This trait of the Italian political situation is reflected in the Italian Jewish patrimony. The cultural legacy of Italian Jewry, its vitality, creativity and respect for diverse cultural forms is reflected in its objects of art.

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