Rinas bais yaakov is highly academic bais yaakov seminary located in the heart of yerushalayim rinas bais yaakov exhibities an excellent array of high caliber renowned teachers as well as rich and allencompassing trips tours and extra curricular events rinas offers beautifl all year round shabossim and yomim tovim which enhances every girls seminary experience.
Rinas Bais Yaakov
Rinas Bais Yaakov
96 Reviews
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Alumni - 296
3597 People viewed this program
About The Program
Jewish Studies
Min - between 8-10 months
University Dorms
After The Program You Will
Gain hands-on experience
Build lifelong professional & social networks
Return home with an impressive, enhanced resume
Why wait? Get started now
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96 Reviews
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Quality of Programs Content
Programs Facilities
Extracurricular Activities
Programs Staff