Midreshet Eshel

Midreshet Eshel
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About The Program

Jewish Studies
Min - between 8-10 months
Rented Apartment(s)

Midreshet Eshel is a post-high school seminary that provides young women with a comprehensive educational program emphasizing excellence in Jewish studies, Jewish values, and experiential learning. As the first Sephardic seminary in Israel, Eshel also emphasizes Sephardic halacha, customs, and history. The one-year study program combines textual learning with stimulating discussion of topics that are relevant to your life and enhance personal and religious growth. Courses include: Tanakh, Jewish thought, halacha, torah, psychology, the Jewish woman, group dynamics, modern Israeli history, Hebrew language and character development (Middot), Jewish history, yoga, dance, and Sephardic cooking.

When Are You Coming

*Please Note: The prices that appear for each program are before a Masa grant or scholarship is applied

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After The Program You Will

Gain hands-on experience

Build lifelong professional & social networks

Return home with an impressive, enhanced resume

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