Masa – Project TEN with PZC

PZC Hagshama
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About The Program

Min - Between 4-6 months
University Dorms

Project TEN in Kibbutz Harduf – Galilee


We bring together young Jewish adults from all over the world, in a program that combines ethical sustainable volunteer work with local communities & service-learning in the fields of international development, culture, identity, & Jewish activism.


Our center in Israel is located in the beautiful forest of Kibbutz Harduf in the Galilee and is part of the Masa Israel Journey programs. Our volunteers are from around the world, together with a core of "Shinshinim" Israeli participants before their army service, volunteer, travel & study for 5, 7 or 10 months in the middle of nature. Having Israeli Shinshinim on the program is a unique opportunity for Masa participants to live with Israelis their age, work with them shoulder to shoulder & get to know Israel through their eyes as well.


During your time in Kibbutz Harduf you will:

  • Teach English & life skills in Arab schools in the Galilee
  • Work at Beit Elisha (a rehabilitative community for adults with special needs
  • Work with at-risk youth
  • Work in the organic agricultural fields
  • Take part in our Theater project in English, Hebrew & Arabic
  • Do ecological planning & construction of the “Sha'ar La'Adam” forest


More about Project TEN

Project TEN of the Jewish Agency has a network of volunteering centers around the world hosting active Jewish 18-28 years old who are interested in being the change they wish to see in the world. Project TEN has volunteer centers in Uganda, Ghana, South Africa, Ethiopia, Mexico, Cambodia and Israel. Project TEN participants live focusing on tikkun olam.

After The Program You Will

Gain hands-on experience

Build lifelong professional & social networks

Return home with an impressive, enhanced resume

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