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Masa MMY- Michlelet Mevaseret Yerushalayim

Pitchei Tzion
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About The Program

Jewish Studies
Min - between 8-10 months
University Dorms

At MMY you will:

LEARN Torah on a very high level.

THINK about issues, relate them to your life and develop your hashkafa – your own unique outlook on the world, at once personal and firmly grounded in Torah sources.

GROW spiritually as you internalize the beauty and messages of Torah into your life.

CONNECT with Israel – the Land, People and State of Israel – and learn to appreciate this most significant gift with which we have been blessed.

All of this is made possible by the special group spirit at MMY.

After The Program You Will

Gain hands-on experience

Build lifelong professional & social networks

Return home with an impressive, enhanced resume

Why wait? Get started now

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