Bnot Torah/Sharfman’s

Bnot Torah Institute/Sharfman’s
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About The Program

Jewish Studies
Min - between 8-10 months
University Dorms

Are you searching for a place to work on assignments in preparation for class and improve your textual skills while also delving into texts dealing with subjects that are of personal interest to you? Bnot Torah Sharfman’s Jewish studies courses are interactive, providing real examples of how Torah wisdom connects the disjointed elements of a complex world. The curriculum includes classes in Halacha, Mussar, Sephardic Heritage, Art and Judaism, Tanach and Megillah, prayer, and more. You will leave Sharfman’s better able navigate the issues most often encountered in modern life. Read more about the program on B'not Torah's blog.

After The Program You Will

Gain hands-on experience

Build lifelong professional & social networks

Return home with an impressive, enhanced resume

Why wait? Get started now

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