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Our Approach

Our Vision 

To shape agile, courageous, and creative Israel-connected adults, exercising leadership to make progress on the challenges facing Jewish communities globally. 

Our Mission 

To cultivate and support individuals by providing them with the necessary skills and resources to become effective leaders and build capacity within the Jewish community. 

Our Theory of Change

Teaching early and mid-career adults to harness and optimize their informal authority to make a difference in Jewish life is key to diversifying, mobilizing and impacting the Jewish organizational ecosystem in North America, Israel and across the globe. 

To teach early and mid-career adults to harness and optimize their leadership to make a difference in Jewish life. We believe this is the key to diversifying, mobilizing, and impacting the Jewish organizational ecosystem in North America, Israel, and across the globe.

Integrating Education into our products

The role of the MLIC within Masa is to integrate our educational and leadership frameworks into every program and event that Masa provides. This ensures that our content goals are present in everything we do from emphasizing Jewish peoplehood, personal and professional development, to seeing Israel as home. 

What We Do

Talent Hub

Talent Hub is a professional development program that is part of Masa, which focuses on building the capacity of professionals working in the field of immersive Israel experiences. The goal of Talent Hub is to support and strengthen the professional expertise of these individuals, to improve the quality and effectiveness of immersive Israel experiences for participants.

Educational Resources

The MLIC creates content and gathers resources for our partners and fellows. We share these resources with the greater public, so that everyone can have access to the educational content we create.

Find our Educational Resources Here

Leadership Summits

Twice a year, post-college Masa fellows can stretch themselves and their perceptions of leadership at the Masa Leadership Summit, in partnership with the Wilf Family Foundations and the Kansas Leadership Center.
Graduates of the summit are eligible for more specialized training through the Kansas Leadership Center and are an essential part of our Masa Alumni Community.
Contact Eliya for more info:

Israel Education

In partnership with the Singer Foundation, the Israel Education Initiative provides resources and content to all our products. Our team of dedicated Israel educators teach and lead tours and learning days for our fellows in all products.

Learn More


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