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Mazel Tov on Paying Your Deposit for MITF!

You are on your way to starting your journey in Israel.


Check out these tips from our Mitzpe Ramon Fellows!








Masa Israel Journey and BINA provide support throughout your next steps.

You are invited to our upcoming “Zoom-in” Sessions with our current fellows to gain an insider look at MITF. These are 30-minute webinars to learn the secrets of success for an incredible 10-months – only offered to those with paid deposits. Please join for one or more sessions to learn how to create YOUR MITF journey. 

March 5th: “When I’m Not Teaching…”

April 2nd: “Budgeting Your 10-Months”

May 7th: “Maximizing your Travel During Breaks” 

June 4th: “Ten Things I Wish I Knew Before MITF” 

All sessions will be held at 1 PM EST 


You will receive detailed information about the visa process as we approach the program start date

Funding for the MITF program is a partnership between Masa Israel and the Ministry of Education. 

You will soon receive instructions on how to apply for MITF funding with your personalized link. 

MITF Volunteer Projects

As part of the program, fellows are required to spend an extra five hours per week on a second volunteer project. Check out the available volunteer projects OR start brainstorming ideas for your own personalized project! Your project will be formally organized on the ground in Israel. 

Example MITF Volunteer Projects

Dog Walker

Volunteer feeding, walking and caring for pets at the local SPCA animal shelter.

Youth Center Mentor

Partner with your school or local youth center to mentor students after school.

Content Creator

Join the municipality, local museum or NGOs to create English content for their website or social media platforms.

Questions? Contact 

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