Teach English in Israel & You’ll Be Amazed at What You Will Learn

Masa Israel Teaching Fellows is a 10-month fellowship for college graduates who want to make a difference. Gain career skills you can’t find anywhere else while teaching and immersing yourself in Israeli society! As a Masa Israel Teaching Fellow (MITF) you will contribute to the future success of Israeli children in the socio-economic periphery by giving them the essential basis of native spoken English. As a Masa Israel Teaching Fellow with BINA, you’ll get to be a part of a diverse community of Israelis and Jews from around the world who learn together and work together to make Israel and the world a better place.

No Hebrew or teaching experience? No problem! You’ll learn along the way! Hebrew classes are included in your 10 months!

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About MITF with BINA

BINA: The Jewish Movement for Social Change works to promote pluralism, justice and social responsibility in Israel and beyond, through education (limud), action, (ma’ase) and community-building (kehilah). BINA is a nationwide Israeli organization with over 20 years of experience running high-quality service-learning programs, as well as diverse educational and community-organizing projects. Every year, BINA touches the lives of tens of thousands of Israelis and individuals from around the world.

An Explanation of the Tel Aviv+ Model

During your 10-month Israel experience, half your time will be spent living in Tel Aviv-Yafo. Your other five months will be spent in one of Israel’s peripheral cities including Beit Shean, Nazareth, Kiryat Gat and Rahat. By participating in this dual-city track, you’ll have the opportunity to experience unique and different Israeli lifestyles, while making a huge difference in the country’s society.


About Tel Aviv+ Beit She'an

A small and welcoming city in the beautiful Southern Galilee along the Jordan River Valley, Beit She’an is home to a diverse local community. It is known for its warmth, hospitality, and familial atmosphere. The breathtaking scenery and national park create beautiful opportunities for Fellows to hike along the many springs that flow in the nearby valley. Fellows also receive additional programming benefits and volunteering opportunities, courtesy of the Jewish Federation of Cleveland and their long-standing relationship with their sister city, Beit She’an.

About Tel Aviv+ Kiryat Gat

Located in the northern Negev between Israel’s bustling center and its quiet periphery, equidistant to Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, and Beer Sheva, fellows in Kiryat Gat have practically the whole country at their fingertips. Its natural surroundings are some of the most beautiful and fascinating in Israel and a classic example of Ben-Gurion’s vision of settling the land of Israel. Kiryat Gat has been a landing place for generations of new immigrant communities in Israel, creating a melting pot of diverse culture and identity. As a proud sister city of Chicago, fellows will be made to feel “at home away from home” with the help of our friends at JUF/Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago with host families, volunteer placements and community involvement opportunities. As a Fellow in Kiryat Gat, you will serve a unique population and get a first hand experience of what it means to cultivate the desert.

About Tel Aviv+ Nazareth

Nazareth is located in the Jezreel Valley, in Israel’s Lower Galilee region. As the largest Arab city in Israel, Nazareth has a deep history dating back thousands of years. Today, it is a vibrant center of Arab-Israeli life as well as a window into the authentic Middle Eastern spirit. As a Masa Israel Teaching Fellow in Nazareth,you’ll have the opportunity to explore this vibrant city and its rich history, while serving its population of Arab citizens of Israel

You are perfect for Tel Aviv+Nazareth if you want to explore the nuance of Israel through multiple perspectives, if you have a deep appreciation for history and diversity and if you want to enjoy both the Mediterranean beach and the rolling hills of the Galilee.

About Tel Aviv+ Rahat

Fellows live in Be’er Sheva and teach in Rahat, the first and the largest Bedouin city in the world! Only 15 minutes from Be’er Sheva and founded in the late 1970s, it is populated by more than 45 Bedouin tribes from the Negev Region. Known as “the city of children” with roughly 60% of its population under the age of 18, Rahat and the surrounding Bedouin villages are going through a period of change and modernization as the new generation considers what it means to be Bedouin in the 21st century. While Rahat is a modern city boasting a Bedouin market, a bustling commercial center with restaurants and businesses, and many mosques, it still retains a uniquely Bedouin feel. Camel sightings in the city center, sheep herders and their flocks and the occasional Bedouin tent are a common sight. Just 15 minutes from Be’er Sheva, the capital of the Negev, and 45 minutes by train from Tel Aviv, Rahat is located at the beginning of the Negev Desert with stunning nature and scenery surrounding it. Rahat is a culturally unique city with a warm and inviting community famous for their hospitality.
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