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MasaTech matches premier Israeli tech companies with qualified, top-tier programmers and engineers from around the world.

  • Gain access to previously unreachable talents
  • Diversify your team with international expertise
  • Expand your global presence
  • Why become a MasaTech employer?

    We know the demand for experienced, quality employees is high, and we’re here to help you. As Israel’s leading career relocation program for programmers and engineers, the MasaTech team cherry-picks talents from around the world that will boost your team with international expertise.

    So how do you gain access to this pool of candidates? Schedule a Call Here!

    MasaTech is supported by the Innovation Authority, the Prime Minister's Office and the Jewish Agency.

    What is MasaTech?

    MasaTech is intended to strengthen the connection between Israel and Diaspora Jewry and to bridge the shortage of developers and engineers in the high-tech industry. The program is open to candidates from all around the world, who are eligible for the Law of Return.

    How can my company hire MasaTech Fellows?

    To access our exclusive list of global candidates, contact the MasaTech Director below. After selecting the relevant candidate(s) from our pool of MasaTech applicants, you will connect with the placement coordinator who will oversee the initial screening of your chosen candidates. The placement coordinator will also be your person of contact throughout the program.

    Is MasaTech an internship program?

    We understand your confusion! Masa has a multitude of programs: from internship and volunteer programs, to Jewish and academic studies. With that, MasaTech is a program of its own. MasaTech is not an internship program, but rather a full-time, paid position program. Experienced programmers and engineers who are accepted to MasaTech will be paid full salaries and benefits by the hiring companies.

    What kind of candidates can I expect from MasaTech?

    We understand the nature of the Israeli hi-tech market. You need the best of the best in order to move quickly and stand out. MasaTech candidates are recruited from around the world to cater to the needs of the Israeli market. These Jewish professionals have a minimum of three years of real, practical professional experience and are fluent in English.

    Which positions are MasaTech candidates recruited for?

    MasaTech candidates can be recruited to programming, engineering, development, and design positions such as: Front End, Back End, FullStack, DevOps, UX, and more. We do not recruit for positions such as marketing, sales, customer service, or other positions of the like. If you have questions about this or would like to recruit for other positions, contact Ilia, Masa’s Career Center Manager.

    What is the cost of the program for the employer?

    MasaTech is supported by the Israeli Innovation Authority, the Prime Minister’s Office and the Jewish Agency, and therefore does not charge service or placement fees from the employer. Employers who hire MasaTech Fellows are responsible for paying the full employee salary (minimum of 14K NIS/month) and all benefits required by Israeli law (specific to Visa B1).

    How does MasaTech find candidates?

    For the last sixteen years, Masa has been the leader in immersive programming in Israel. With our experience and extensive global network, we are able to reach thousands of candidates from around the world.

    Have MasaTech Fellows already made Aliyah?

    No, MasaTech Fellows do not make Aliyah prior to the program. Rather, they receive a visa that can be extended up to five years. The majority of candidates do however show interest in making Aliyah, when considering the program.

    Are MasaTech candidates currently in Israel?

    MasaTech candidates apply for the program from around the world. Once hired and an official contract is signed with their Israeli employer (you!), the MasaTech Fellow will arrive in Israel within 30-45 days from the date the contract was signed.

    When do MasaTech candidates begin employment?

    They will move to Israel and begin employment within 30-45 days after the contract is signed.

    What does Masa offer MasaTech Fellows?

    MasaTech Fellows fall under the Masa umbrella for their first year of employment; Masa will provide career growth opportunities through networking events, expert workshops, lectures by industry leaders, meetups, and mentorships. Masa also offer fellows trips around the country, educational opportunities regarding Israeli society, and help them find ways to make a social impact.

    MasaTech takes care of everything

    MasaTech brings candidates to Israel and takes care of everything while they’re here
    • Masa-issued Visa
    • Intensive Ulpan
    • Initial Housing
    • Health Insurance
    • Trips Around the Country
    • Leadership & Networking Opportunities
    • Mentoring
    • Professional Training

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