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Masa is the leading organization bringing young Jewish adults from around the world to participate in immersive programming in Israel.

Masa Israel Journey has announced the appointment of Meir Holtz as its CEO. Until recently, Holtz served as the CEO of Mosaic United, a public benefit company under the Ministry of Diaspora Affairs that focuses on enhancing experiences in Israel for young members of Jewish communities worldwide. Prior to that, he held the position of Deputy Health Coordinator in the Civil Administration of Judea and Samaria, and previously served as a Shaliach (emissary) for the Jewish Agency and Bnei Akiva in Sydney, Australia.

Masa, established by the Jewish Agency and the Government of Israel, is the leading organization bringing young Jewish adults from around the world to participate in immersive programming in Israel. Approximately 12,000 fellows from around 60 countries join Masa each year, participating in programs that range from 4 weeks to 10 months. They have the opportunity to volunteer, study, intern, work, or take a gap year.

Holtz will assume his role following six months during which Mrs. Yael Sahar-Rubinstein served as Acting CEO.


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