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Masa Israel Teaching Fellows work and live in cities on the socioeconomic periphery of Israeli society. Each of these cities need your help, but what else do you know about a city like Beit She’an?
Well, if you’re a history buff or archaeology enthusiast, this might just be the place for you.
One of the oldest cities in Israel, Beit She’an was once ruled by Egyptian Pharaohs, Roman Emperors, Crusaders, Mamluks, and more. With a national archaeological park within the city limits, and no shortage of sites and ruins in the surrounding valley, it’s easy to find yourself travelling through time as you walk to the corner store, or explore the best scenic spots in the area.

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“A Roman-era bridge, a Crusader fortress, a mosque from the Mamluk period, a Turkish government house, an Ottoman fort and several basalt stone houses from the period of Arab conquest of Beit She’an area ll open to tourists.” 

To read more about the history and archaeology in Beit She’an, read ISRAEL21c’s latest travel blog.
Masa Israel Teaching Fellows, Beit She’an is supported by the Jewish Federation of Cleveland.

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