Reichman University (IDC Herzliya) – MA programs

Reichman University (IDC Herzliya)
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A propos du programme

Etudes supérieures
Min - Entre 8 et 10 mois
Dortoirs universitaires

The Raphael Recanati International School at Reichman University is an “island” of opportunity for students from around the world who would like to deepen their bonds with Israel while earning internationally recognized and sought-after academic degrees. Our dedicated staff span the spectrum of services that a student living away from home would need – from academic, to social, to housing and more. In 1994 Professor Uriel Reichman, President and Founder of Reichman University, established this university based on the values of “freedom and responsibility”. His aim was to imbue in our students the inner aspiration to succeed, while never forgetting our responsibility to help, support and build up others. The RRIS has over 2,500 students from 90 countries – a third of Reichman University's student body – meaning that we can proudly call ourselves the largest academic absorption center in the country. In fact, 37% of all international students studying full-time for their degrees in Israel study at Reichman University. This gives us the highest number of international students of any academic institution in the country. According to the Council for Higher Education we are ranked number one, both per capita and in absolute numbers, out of 65 universities and colleges in Israel. Now more than ever we are an institution that embraces Zionism, and our goal is to educate a generation of new leaders for the State of Israel, the Jewish world and the world at large. We endeavor to build bridges between economic elites and the underprivileged, between Israelis and Diaspora Jews and between Israel and her neighbors. Today Reichman University is considered a prestigious university both nationally and internationally. Our faculty and staff are leaders in their fields and professions with many having joined us from other Ivy League and world-renowned universities. These experts strongly value our ideal of “the student as our partner” and work to ensure a good combination of scholarly excellence and practical experience within their curricula. We also believe in “startup academia” and encourage our students to initiate, innovate, invent and create at every opportunity. After graduation many of our students choose to make Israel their home, while others become superb ambassadors for the State of Israel in their overseas communities. Some of our graduates continue on to graduate programs at top universities around the world, while others work for successful global companies. We invite you to join the Reichman University family and look forward to helping you realize the vision of Theodor Herzl – “If you will it, it is not a dream”. Here’s to your “next year in Herzliya”.

About Herzeliyya

Barely 20 minutes away from Tel Aviv, Herzliya is known as the more exclusive, calm, and upscale neighbor city. Famous for its beaches and boardwalk bars and restaurants, Herzliya satisfies people’s outdoor mentality year round. With no wave breakers (like those in Tel Aviv), the city’s beaches are a surfer’s dream come true, with locations offering lessons to those who want to learn surfing or a variety of other water sports.
Apollonia Beach offers a different kind of experience – resting below Apollonia National Park, the beach is bordered by a cliff and is home to the archaeological remains of what was once a crusader city, including a fortress built in the thirteenth century. The climb up gives visitors the opportunity to see a beautiful panoramic view of Herzliya’s coast. Bars along the water are abundant, as well as nightlife and restaurants further into the city.
IDC College, built on a former air force military base, welcomes both Israeli and international students and is a haven of trees, gardens, and environmentally friendly buildings. Students are never bored in this city, with the Seven Stars Mall less than 10 minutes away and filled with stores, restaurants, a movie theater, a fitness gym, and regular festivals and food fairs throughout the year. For some extra culture, Herzliya’s Museum of Contemporary Art features traditional and modern art and is well worth a visit.

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*Veuillez noter: les prix qui apparaissent pour chaque programme ne tiennent pas comptent d'une éventuelle bourse Massa ou autre bourse d'études.

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