Midreshet Amit

Midreshet Amit
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A propos du programme

Etude de la Torah
Min - Entre 8 et 10 mois

At Midreshet AMIT, you will spend your day learning, questioning, and growing in Torah. From interesting and challenging classes to guided chavruta study, your year will be packed with learning geared to help you develop a lifelong connection to Torah. Our home is in Beit Hayeled, AMIT’s well-known foster home for disadvantaged youth. You will spend time each day teaching, playing, and caring for some of Israel's most needy children. As a "big sister," you will be challenged to give of yourself in a way you have never experienced before and you will be transformed in the provess. Your connection to Israel will be deepened through the unique experience of living and interacting with dedicated Israeli couples and committed Sherut Leumi young women. Through adventurous tiyulim you will travel the length and breadth of Israel, learning about our history and gaining a greater appreciation for the State of Israel.

Après le programme, vous...

Acquérir une expérience pratique

Construire des réseaux professionnels et sociaux, bénéfiques sur le long-terme

Rentrez chez vous avec un CV impressionnant et amélioré

Pourquoi attendre ? Commencez dès maintenant !

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