Masa – Kibbutz Ulpan

PZC Hagshama
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A propos du programme

Formations professionnelles
Min - Entre 4 et 6 mois

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Kibbutz Ulpan is a 5-month immersion program in which participants learn Hebrew while living, working on the kibbutz, or interning or volunteering outside the kibbutz. The program runs in six kibbutzim, each with their own specialty – all offering a unique experience that fits you best! Whether it be a “classic” Ulpan, an academic Ulpan such as in Kibbutz Etzion Tzuba, or a religious Ulpan like in Kibbutz Sdeh Eliyahu, we have it all – choose the location, lifestyle, session dates, and track that suits you. Participants are from Masa as well as Olim Chadashim (new Immigrants) who are on the first part of their journey to make Israel their new homeland, sharing all experiences, making the Kibbutz Ulpan Program truly one of a kind. 

The Kibbutz Ulpan Program has been running successfully for over 70 years, giving participants opportunities to make friends for life and create connections with people from all over the world. In addition to learning Hebrew, participants are shown the unique way of life in the kibbutz, which exists only in Israel.

The ultimate goal of Kibbutz Ulpan is to provide the participants with a working knowledge of conversational Hebrew, building a foundation of Hebrew, providing the ability to read simplified texts and newspapers. Classes consist of 20-25 students and meet for a total of 18 to 24 academic hours (1 academic hour: 45 minutes) a week. All Ulpan teachers are licensed by the Adult Department of the Israeli Ministry of Education, and participants will receive an official certificate after completing the course.

In addition to the studies and activities in the kibbutz, all participants go on guided tours and hikes to historic and scenic sites throughout Israel.

Contact us for more info

Schedule a meeting with our program advisor:

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Send us a message/call via WhatsApp: +972(0)53 220 3984

Quand souhaitez-vous venir ?

*Veuillez noter: les prix qui apparaissent pour chaque programme ne tiennent pas comptent d'une éventuelle bourse Massa ou autre bourse d'études.

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Après le programme, vous...

Acquérir une expérience pratique

Construire des réseaux professionnels et sociaux, bénéfiques sur le long-terme

Rentrez chez vous avec un CV impressionnant et amélioré

Pourquoi attendre ? Commencez dès maintenant !

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