- Study with leading experts and renowned faculty at Israel’s premier university, ranked 77th worldwide.
- Earn your BA degree in English in just 3 years!
- Live and study in Jerusalem, one of the worlds’ most inspiring cities, and explore Israel through year-round social and cultural activities.
- Choose from 3 double-major BA tracks.
- Enjoy an immersive academic experience through engaging lectures, workshops, and study tours designed to bring the subject matter to life
International Bachelor’s Degree Program
Hebrew University Rothberg International School
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Building Bridges: MASA’s international educators impacting Israeli youth
Dortoirs universitaires
Après le programme, vous...
Acquérir une expérience pratique
Construire des réseaux professionnels et sociaux, bénéfiques sur le long-terme
Rentrez chez vous avec un CV impressionnant et amélioré
Pourquoi attendre ? Commencez dès maintenant !
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