Leadership Starts with You

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"The Summit helped me crystallize an intuition
I've had from community organizing: people
need to be fired up in order to want change,
because it is so tough! Having that described
and having to embody that
was really powerful to me".
Luke, Washington

Mobilize Across Boundaries

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“The Masa Leadership Center is distinct
in that it isn’t about personal development;
its purpose is to significantly change the Jewish world.”
Professor Marty Linsky, Harvard Kennedy School

Lead Anytime, Anywhere

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“The most powerful experience for me
was the role of the facilitators. I thought that
their dedication to helping us grow was exceptional
and really enjoyed their input.
I did not see them as authority figures
but as teachers and mentors from day one.”
Dana, Los Angeles

Le Masa Leadership Center est un centre de formation unique en Israël, qui a pour but de renforcer le savoir des participants en début et en milieu de carrière pendant leur long séjour en Israël. Cette formation leur servira à apporter du changement sur les problématique auxquelles sont confrontés Israël et les communautés juives du monde entier.

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