Job Description
The volunteering includes assisting with the hospital’s daily maintenance: cleaning the cages, preparing food for the admitted animals and taking care of their welfare. Cutting different types of raw meat is a requirement, as it is included in most wildlife’s diet. Since the animals are wild and very stressed by human contact, the volunteers are requested not to touch them or talk to them. The volunteering and does not include any veterinary activities.
Requirements: passion for wildlife, high sense of responsibility, willingness to do physical, outdoor work.
Company Description
The Israeli Wildlife Hospital was founded in cooperation with the Zoological Centre Tel Aviv, Ramat Gan (Safari) and the Nature and Parks Protection Authority. These entities consider the treatment of wild animals and the rehabilitation and conservation of species in danger of extinction to be of the utmost importance. Our purpose is to give wild animals the best veterinary care and rehabilitation possible, and to help prevent the extinction of wildlife in Israel and in the world.