About Kuchinate

Central Israel
Min - 4-6 months
Kuchinate, which means “crochet” in the Eritrean language of Tigrinya, is an art and design based NGO which provides economic & social empowerment to hundreds of African refugee women and their families living in South Tel Aviv. At Kuchinate, the women learn to cope, build resilience through art, find community, increase stability, learn marketable and transferable skills, and live in dignity. Kuchinate participates in high-profile art collaborations, gives asylum-seeking women a voice and platform, and builds the constituency for human rights by allowing the public to engage firsthand with refugees. Kuchinate embraces the unique African cultures and celebrates creativity, the journey to freedom, and perseverance. By making handmade products, Kuchinate women work in dignity, learn new and transferable skills, and build a stable economy. With the holistic approach, the women of Kuchinate rebuild their lives and heal together. Kuchinate empowers women in four project areas: (1) economic empowerment, (2) education, (3) building resiliency, and (4) art and advocacy.

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