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My name is Estella, I’m from Rio de Janeiro – Brazil. In 2016, I came to Israel to make a a Masa program with Destination Israel called Career Growth and in 2017 I made Aliyah.

To be sincere, I never had a strong connection or even considered moving to Israel, my main purpose when I registered for the program was to improve my English and have an international job experience.

But my Masa program brought me so much more than this…was definitely a life changing experience.

5 months seems like a lot, but passed soooo quickly. Every day was a new adventure, full of excitement and new things to explore and feel. Hanging out with international people that later became friends, experiencing the day to day of working a big company during my internship in HP, traveling around and really living the Israeli lifestyle all contributed to making my Masa program unforgettable!

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*Para ser eligible a nuesgtra beca debes tener por lo menos un abuelo/a judío/a, es decir cumplir con la Ley del Retorno

