Hebrew Union College requires students to spend the first year of their studies in Israel for the establishment of lifelong ties vital to sustaining the living bonds between the North American and Israeli communities. The Year-in-Israel program imbues rabbinical, cantorial and Jewish education students with a spirit of partnership that they take home with them to complete their studies in North America and Europe, and fosters a shared sense of responsibility that transcends geography to assert the overarching unity of the Jewish people. The curriculum encompasses Hebrew language immersion, foundational textual skills, Israel studies, community building, and both spiritual and professional development. Utilizing Israel itself as a classroom, the students explore Israeli culture, the history of Zionism and the social and political challenges in Israel, and participate in community service projects.
Hebrew Union College
Hebrew Union College Jewish Institute of Religion
42 Reseñas
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Ex Alumnos - 344
55 Personas vieron éste Programa
Sobre el Programa
Estudios religiosos
Min - Entre 8-10 meses
Departamentos alquilados
Después del programa tu...
Gana experiencia en trabajo manual.
Construye redes sociales y profesionales de por vida
Regresa a casa con un impresionante y mejorado curriculum.
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42 Reseñas
Overall Experience
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Extracurricular Activities
Programs Staff