Ben-Gurion University – Master’s Degree Programs

Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
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At Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, cultural immersion and exchange are our priorities. In your academic or research program, you will study alongside local Israeli peers, as well as a diverse cohort of international students from around the globe. We encourage our Israeli and international students to learn from one another beyond the classroom. You'll participate in a full calendar of social events and field trips, and enjoy all of the opportunities available to BGU students.

We can't wait to see you on campus!

Study Tracks

MA in Israel Studies

BGU’s Woodman-Scheller Israel Studies International Program (WSISIP) is a first-of-its-kind, globally accredited, English-speaking, two-year multi-track program that provides students with comprehensive knowledge in key subjects and research methodologies related to the field of Israel Studies. The program integrates historical and contemporary perspectives and focuses on the emergence of Zionist ideology and the global Jewish people, the pre-state communities under Ottoman and British rule, and the modern State of Israel.

Join us in uncovering the fascinating story of Israel as an integral part of the political, social, and cultural history of the Middle East.

For more information on the program, click here:

M.Sc. in Mechatronics Engineering

BGU’s Department of Mechanical Engineering offers you the exciting opportunity to earn your degree in our Mechatronics Engineering M.Sc. program. Mechatronics Engineering is a relatively new engineering field, designed to meet the growing need for integrations of various engineering fields such as mechanical, electrical, computer, and electronics engineering.

Join us in conducting cutting-edge research and making a real impact in this developing field.

For more information on the program, click here:

M.Sc. in Software & Information Systems Engineering

At BGU, our M.Sc. program in Software and Information Systems Engineering focuses on Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Software Systems. This program provides high-level education for researchers and practitioners in a broad range of Artificial Intelligence fields such as Game Theory, Natural Language Processing, Fault Detection and Diagnosis, and more. In our program, you’ll learn models, theories, and practical methods for developing intelligent systems, bridging the gap between man and machine.

Join us in conducting cutting-edge research to advance our field.

For more information on the program, click here:

M.Sc. in Life Sciences

BGU’s Department of Life Sciences at BGU comprises a team of investigators conducting cutting-edge research in numerous realms of modern biology. In our M.Sc. program in Life Sciences, we address topics that span the entire size range of biology, beginning with the determination of protein structures at the atom-level resolution, continuing to the examination of single-celled organisms and multi-cellular systems and reaching the study of whole animals and communities.

Join us in tackling questions related to protein science, physiology, neurobiology, genomics, structural biology, and more.

For more information on the program, click here:

M.Sc. in Communication Systems Engineering (CSE)

BGU’s Communication Systems Engineering (CSE) M.Sc. Program is dedicated to training engineers that can initiate and lead the development of new technologies in the fields of networking and communications. You will conduct cutting-edge research alongside world-renowned researchers, who focus on the fields of networking, hardware, software, and communication technologies that are required by the industry.

Join us in conducting cutting-edge research to advance our field.

For more information on the program, click here:

M.Sc. in Industrial Engineering and Management (IEM)

In BGU’s M.Sc. program in Industrial Engineering and Management (IEM), you gain the tools to become a leader in your field. Beyond exploring and teaching IEM applications traditionally used by manufacturing and service organizations, the IEM Department at BGU strives to train students in system analysis, statistics, economics, and management in such diverse areas as robotics, business analytics, data science, transportation, natural resources, and more.

Join us in conducting cutting-edge research to advance our field.

For more information on the program, click here:

M.Sc. in Physics

The M.Sc. program in Physics at BGU maintains an extensive research program in all the major fields of Physics, including Astrophysics, High Energy Physics, Condensed Matter Physics, Electro-Optics and Biophysics. Our graduates can be found throughout all the ranks of universities, research institutes, and industry in Israel.

Join us in conducting experimental and theoretical research in many cutting-edge areas, including condensed matter, lasers and quantum optics, nuclear physics, astrophysics, and more.

For more information on the program, click here:

M.Sc. in Biotechnology Engineering

BGU’s M.Sc. program in Biotechnology Engineering (BTE) invests continual efforts in providing students with hands-on experience in laboratory classes that develop skills and experience in engineering in three major clusters: Medical Biotechnology, Nanobiotechnology, Energy and Environmental Biotechnology. Our high volume of activities is also backed by a continuous production of scientific publications, and many of our graduates now hold key positions in academic institutions and in the Biotech industry in Israel and around the world.

Join us in conducting cutting-edge research to advance our field.

For more information on the program, click here:

M.Sc. in Chemistry

At BGU’s M.Sc. program in Chemistry, you’ll have the opportunity to conduct research across a large spectrum of chemical disciplines, from the traditional areas of Organic, Inorganic, Bio and Physical Chemistry to the cutting-edge fields of Nanoscience, Material, Systems and Computational/Theoretical Chemistry. This multidisciplinary approach lets us tackle a wide range of central projects and 21st century challenges.

Join us in conducting cutting-edge research to advance our field.

For more information on the program, click here:

M.A. in Linguistics

The study of linguistics is the scientific examination of language. The aim of this study is to figure out one of the most important characteristics of the human brain: how we all, as children, learn our own language so well – and so quickly. In BGU’s Linguistics MA Program, you will examine the properties of adult language – the sounds, the structures, and the meanings.

Join us in delving deeper into the study of language and how it impacts our society.

For more information on the program, click here:

M.Sc. in Biomedical Engineering

The recent rapid progress in natural sciences and engineering has enabled the use of engineering tools to answer many questions that have long troubled humanity. The mapping of the human genome, interfaces that connect directly to the brain, and nanotechnology-driven molecular-sized implants are but a few of the many new technologies that are quickly becoming widely available. BGU is a leader in biomedicine; its state-of-the-art facilities and proximity to the largest general hospital in Israel, make it uniquely suited to prepare students for this industry.

So, what are you waiting for? Join the M.Sc. program in Biomedical Engineering to conduct cutting-edge research that will advance our field.

For more information on the program, click here:

M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering

At BGU, you can earn your M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering and become an expert in your chosen field of specialization. Learn from the best in the industry and design your own research path. You’ll be able to choose from one or a combination of the fields ranging from robotics to thermodynamics, and from energy technologies to bio-inspired systems.

Join us to discover the next big thing.

For more information on the program, click here:

M.Sc. in Desert Studies

Drylands occupy more than one-third of the earth’s land surface, including most of the Middle East and Israel. BGU’s innovative, multidisciplinary M.Sc. program in Desert Studies is structured to provide an integrated approach to solving growing desertification all over the world. As part of our collaborative living laboratory, you will gain exposure to a wide range of topics and research opportunities in one of the most innovative programs in this field.

Join us in solving these vital issues facing our planet.

For more information on the program, click here:

M.Sc. in Geological & Environmental Sciences

The M.Sc. program in Geological and Environmental Sciences is a research degree with thesis, designed to impart research skills and professional competence in a variety of fields in geology and environmental science. You’ll have the opportunity to engage in cutting-edge research in earth sciences, environmental geology, engineering geology, paleobiology, petroleum geosciences, and more.

Join us in pioneering research that will advance our field.

For more information on the program, click here:

M.A. in Foreign Literature

In both research and teaching, the MA program in English Literature combines a strong emphasis on English and American literature and culture with a wider, comparative, and interdisciplinary framework. Our approach to literature and culture is diverse, and we examine literary texts and contexts from a variety of historical, formalist, sociological, and psychological perspectives. We also encourage combinations and interactions with other fields of study in the humanities and social sciences.

Join us to hone your analytic skills and delve deeper into the world of literature.

For more information on the program, click here:

M.Sc. in Mathematics

In BGU’s M.Sc. Program in Mathematics, you can focus on Pure Mathematics, Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Mathematics and Computer Science, or Mathematics Education. Our department offers an active research environment with a distinctly international character. Every year, students in the program attend a highly distinguished lecture series and participate in international conventions featuring well-known mathematicians.

Join us to conduct cutting-edge research that will advance our field.

For more information on the program, click here:

M.Sc. in Nuclear Engineering

BGU’s Nuclear Engineering M.Sc. program is highly research-oriented and is conducted in the unit’s state-of-the-art facilities and laboratories under the supervision of UNE faculty members. You can focus on a wide range of research subjects during your two-year degree program, ranging from nuclear reactor physics to neutron transport, nonproliferation strategies to applications of radiation in medicine, and more.

So, what are you waiting for? Join us in conducting cutting-edge research to advance our field.

For more information on the program, click here:

M.Sc. in Electrical & Computer Engineering

At BGU, you will have the opportunity to earn your M.Sc. in Electrical and Computer Engineering, specializing in a wide range of both practical and theoretical aspects of the field. You will gain expertise and advanced knowledge in your selected specialization area and be a part of some of the most innovative, collaborative research in electrical and computer engineering.

Join us in conducting cutting-edge research to advance our field.

For more information on the program, click here:

M.Sc. in Electro-Optical Engineering

In the Electro-Optical Engineering M.Sc. Program at BGU, you will gain research expertise and advanced knowledge in electro-optical and photonics engineering, under the supervision of our expert faculty members. The multidisciplinary research conducted in electro-optics at BGU place this department at the forefront of the optics and photonics community, both nationally and internationally. Upon completion of the program, you’ll be qualified for senior R&D positions in the industry, perhaps continuing on toward Ph.D. studies.

Join us in conducting cutting edge research to advance our field.

For more information on the program, click here:

M.A. in African Sustainable Communities (1-Year)

The 21st century is an era of immense transformations throughout Africa. Economic, political, and social developments are rapidly changing local communities, providing new opportunities, and creating new uncertainties. BGU’s MA program in African Sustainable Communities brings together students from around the world, creating a unique learning environment to tackle the complex issue of sustainability in community development. We are preparing you for the rapid changes we are seeing across Africa, through a multidisciplinary approach.

Join us in the vibrant conversation examining the complex circumstances in modern Africa and have the chance to influence lasting change.

For more information on the program, click here:

M.Sc. in Materials Engineering

At BGU, you can earn your M.Sc. in Materials Engineering while conducting research led by an outstanding team of faculty members. Research areas encompass both practical and theoretical aspects of materials engineering, including metals, polymers, electronic materials, biomaterials, nanomaterials, and more. You will have access to exceptional facilities and state-of-the-art equipment and will gain expertise and advanced knowledge in your selected field of specialization.

Join us in conducting cutting-edge research to advance our field.

For more information on the program, click here:

M.Sc. in Environmental Physics & Solar Energy

In BGU’s Environmental Physics and Solar Energy M.Sc. program, you will gain a deep and diverse understanding of the environment and natural resources. You will be trained in classical physics relevant to environmental studies, as well as applied mathematics and other physical sciences-related fields.

Join us to solve some of the most urgent issues facing our planet.

For more information on the program, click here:

M.Sc. in Structural Engineering

BGU’s M.Sc. program in the Department of Structural Engineering (DSE) will train you to meet the challenges of the 21st century: extreme events, be they natural or man-made, advanced building management, analysis and design, and related technologies. The DSE conducts cutting-edge research across a broad spectrum of fields. Our students gain hands-on experience in laboratory classes that develop engineering skills, focused on three specializations: Structures Engineering (including protective structures), Construction Management, and Geotechnics.

Join us in developing real-world solutions and make an impact in our industry.

For more information on the program, click here:

M.Sc. in Ecology & Nature Conservation

At BGU, our M.Sc. program in Ecology and Nature Conservation will provide you with the opportunity to conduct groundbreaking research in our state-of-the-art living laboratory in the heart of the Negev Desert. Our M.Sc. program gives a theoretical background in ecology and evolution, with emphasis on biodiversity, community dynamics, and organism-level processes. You’ll conduct hands-on research in one of the most collaborative, innovative research teams in the field.

Join us in solving some of the most urgent issues facing our planet.

For more information on the program, click here:

M.Sc. in Hydrology & Water Quality

Drylands occupy more than one-third of the earth’s land surface, including most of the Middle East and Israel. Dwindling water supplies and deteriorating water quality impede the sustainable development of drylands and the well-being of their growing population. Through BGU’s M.Sc. program in Hydrology and Water Quality, you will be introduced to cutting-edge research and graduate education in water sciences, aimed at improving human life in drylands through technologies and policies for the sustainable use of water resources.

Join us in solving these vital issues facing our planet.

For more information on the program, click here:

International MBA (1-Year Program)

The International MBA Program at BGU’s Guilford Glazer Faculty of Business and Management (GGFBM) offers the opportunity to earn an MBA together with an impactful work internship experience within one year. This integrative study program is geared toward international and Israeli students seeking MBA degrees, especially emphasizing innovation. A student cohort from a variety of personal and academic backgrounds enriches the learning experience through a multicultural and diverse environment.

Join our next cohort of innovative thinkers, in the heart of one of the fastest-growing ecosystems in Israel.

For more information on the program, click here:

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