
Una oportunidad para construir tu mentalidad y caja de herramientas como líder en un entorno diverso y desafiante. En un congreso de 5 días con 120 pares de todo el mundo y un profesorado global de alto nivel. El Centro de Liderazgo Masa realiza dos congresos al año para participantes de Masa post-universitarios.

Una experiencia residencial intensiva que explora los principales supuestos del liderazgo y provee un marco refrescante para pensar sobre y practicar el liderazgo basado en el modelo de Adaptive Leadership impulsado por la Escuela Harvard Kennedy.

El congreso busca generar crecimiento personal y profesional, y progreso y éxito colectivo.

Todos los graduados del congreso reciben un certificado en conjunto por el Centro de Liderazgo de Masa y el Centro de Liderazgo de Kansas.

Las solicitudes para la Cumbre de Liderazgo de diciembre de 2020 se abrirán en octubre.

Conoce a nuestra facultad global


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  • Connect to your purpose
  • Develop your tolerance for conflicting viewpoints
  • Engage with a diverse peer community passionate about leadership
  • Build your capacity to mobilize people around global Jewish and Israel issues that matter
  • Manage yourself in new settings


Cada verano, el Centro de Liderazgo de Masa se asocia con una variedad de organizaciones judías y ofrece una experiencia de seis semanas de vivienda independiente en Jerusalem, Israel, altamente subsidiada. 

El programa incluye pasantías de alto nivel que potenciarán tu currículum, entrenamiento en liderazgo utilizando el marco del Centro de Liderazgo de Masa desarrollado por Hardvard, y exposición a agentes de cambio israelies verdaderos y sus estudios de caso.

¡Únete a una red global de agentes de cambio para desarrollar habilidades prácticas y una mentalidad fresca para energizar y movilizar a tu comunidad alrededor de una temática que te importa! Tendrás la oportunidad de elegir entre dos tracks, diseñados especialmente para generar un cambio al respecto de temáticas centrales que enfrentan nuestras comunidades.

Todo con tiempo para el autocuidado, crecimiento independiente y la exploración independiente del país y su cultura.

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  • A six-week residential intensive located in central Israel
  • Exposure-visits around Israel
  • Professional development with an organization of your choice
  • High-level personalized internship placements
  • Opportunities for recreational and personal exploration
  • Top leadership development course and retreat including case-study diagnostic workshops

Programas para Socioss

Luego del Congreso de Liderazgo se incentiva a los participantes a aplicar para continuar su aprendizaje a través de Programas para Socios. Estos programas de seis sesiones están armados para ayudar a llenar los espacios entre la capacitación en liderazgo del CLM en Israel y oportunidades profesionales y de voluntariado en el mundo judío.

Programa de Participación Comunitaria

El Programa de Participación Comunitaria te preparará con las herramientas, contactos profesionales y de voluntariado y una amplia red de colegas para asegurar que estás posicionado para realizar un impacto en cualquier lugar que estés luego de tu experiencia en Masa.

Programa de Talento Educativo

El Programa de Talento Educativo te dará las herramientas y contactos profesionales para enriquecer tu experiencia Masa en el campo de la Educación Judía y te ayudará a colocarte en posiciones profesionales y a apoyar tu desarrollo profesional en los EU, RU o Canada, luego de tu programa de Masa.

Programa Internacional de Mujeres Judías

El Programa Internacional de Mujeres Judías se centrará en temáticas específicas al liderazgo de las mujeres y facilitará tu integración en la red internacional de mujeres judías y oportunidades cuando regreses a los EU luego de tu experiencia Masa.

Programa de Liderazgo Europeo

The Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs formulates, implements and presents the foreign policy of the Government of Israel. It represents the state vis-a-vis foreign governments and international organizations, explains its positions and problems throughout the world, endeavors to promote its economic, cultural, and scientific relations, and fosters cooperation with developing countries. The Ministry promotes relations with Diaspora communities and safeguards the rights of Israeli citizens abroad.
Jewish Women International (JWI) is the leading Jewish organization working to empower women and girls by ensuring and protecting their physical safety and economic security, promoting and celebrating inter-generational leadership, and inspiring civic participation and community engagement. Inspired by their legacy of progressive women’s leadership and guided by their Jewish values, JWI works to ensure that all women and girls thrive in healthy relationships, control their financial futures and realize the full potential of their personal strength.
The Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA) represents 146 Jewish Federations and over 300 independent Jewish communities across North America. JFNA plays a central role in developing a pipeline that takes leading MLC participants and introduces them to roles from which they can shape the global Jewish landscape.
The Kansas Leadership Center (KLC) is a non-profit organization committed to fostering leadership for stronger, healthier and more prosperous Kansas communities. Through their leadership framework and programming, KLC aspires to help people lead more effectively on the challenges facing them and equip them with the ability to make lasting change for the common good.
Educating for Impact (EFI) – a groundbreaking, transformative initiative led by a consortium of Jewish philanthropies in partnership with the Ministries of Education and Diaspora Affairs of the State of Israel and the Center for Educational Technology – is designed to support Jewish communities in Europe through increasing the impact of their Jewish schools. EFI challenges and assists Jewish communities in Europe to make their Jewish schools work optimally for them, educating and inspiring young Jews to actively affiliate and engage in Jewish life.
BBYO is the leading pluralistic teen movement aspiring to involve more Jewish teens in more meaningful Jewish experiences. With a network of hundreds of chapters across North America and in 50 countries around the world, BBYO reaches over 70,000 teens annually and serves as the Jewish community’s largest and most valuable platform for delivering fun, meaningful and affordable experiences that inspire a lasting connection to the Jewish people.
The Diaspora Initiative – UnitEd – operates in Jewish schools around the world to enhance both Jewish identity and Diaspora community ties to Israel. UnitED believes that raising the quality, status and prestige of Jewish studies strengthens Jewish schools and reinforces the Jewish identity of their graduates, which together are the key to Diaspora communities continuing to flourish. UnitEd is a cooperative venture of the Ministries of Education and Diaspora Affairs of the State of Israel, individual donors, and foundations from across the Jewish world.
TalentEd is a global non-profit organization that aims to address the growing challenge of recruiting and retaining high-quality educators in Jewish education. To achieve their goals, TalentEd maps the demand in Jewish formal and informal education, profiles those who can deliver, and ultimately matches them while providing a support network and mentoring. TalentEd’s long-term goal is to discover untapped talent – those who with the right training, mentoring and support can become excellent Jewish educators.
Genesis Philanthropy Group (GPG) is a global family of foundations focusing its work on three areas of critical importance to the Jewish communities around the world: strengthening Jewish identity of Russian-speaking Jews worldwide; supporting pillar Jewish organizations of the UK Jewish community in their efforts to provide meaningful and innovative opportunities for Jewish engagement to children, young families and young adults living in the UK, regardless of where they were born; and strengthening bonds and common understanding between Jews living in Israel and throughout global Diaspora.
Hillel International is the largest Jewish campus organization in the world, working with thousands of college students globally at more than 550 colleges and universities. For nearly a century, Hillel’s network of dedicated student leaders, professionals and volunteers have encouraged generations of young adults to celebrate Jewish learning and living, pursue social justice (tikkun olam and tzedek) and connect to their peers and the global Jewish people.
An international religious leader, philosopher, award-winning author and respected moral voice, Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks has been described by H.R.H. The Prince of Wales as “a light unto this nation” and by former British Prime Minister Tony Blair as “an intellectual giant”. Rabbi Sacks is a frequent and sought-after contributor to radio, television and the press both in Britain and around the world. Since stepping down as the Chief Rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregations of the Commonwealth, Rabbi Sacks has held a number of professorships at several academic institutions including Yeshiva University, New York University and King’s College London.
Cambridge Leadership Associates (CLA) is an international leadership development practice and the Home of Adaptive Leadership. CLA grew out of the work of Ron Heifetz and Marty Linsky, who have spent more than 30 years examining and teaching the practice of leadership at Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government. Today, CLA comprises a team of experienced consultants working around the globe skilled in the practical application of Adaptive Leadership. CLA works with organizations, teams, communities and individuals to identify their most significant challenges, generate new solutions, and exercise the leadership required to bring them to scale.

Cursos de Liderazgo

Seminario/ Curso de Midrashá para liderazgo de mujeres

Un curso de liderazgo y desarrollo comunitario para mujeres de Midrasha que aspiran a mejorar la vida comunitaria. Incluye seis semanas de capacitación en desarrollo de liderazgo y de carrera para avanzar en experiencia individual y profesional de las participantes para que puedan ser más efectivas apoyando el crecimiento de sus comunidades con el tiempo.

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Retiro de transición para participantes Gap

En este retiro de un día te enfocarás en reflexionar acerca de la experiencia en tu programa de Masa y luego unirte a cientos de otros participantes Gap Year de Masa para explorar cómo las herramientas de liderazgo pueden ayudar en la apropiación de lo que han aprendido y experimentado en el año transcurrido y usarlo en pos de fomentar la participación en la vida judía/israelí en el campus y en sus comunidades de origen.

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Programa de Diseño Adaptable

Adaptive Design Track participants continue their leadership learning through an integration of design thinking and adaptive leadership with a focus on exploring adaptive challenges relevant to their lives and planning interventions to seed change in their communities.

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Contenido y recursos

El Masa Leadership Curriculum con el Rabino Sacks

es un esfuerzo conjunto que proporciona una importante y oportuna contribución al campo de la educación en liderazgo judío, haciendo de las perspectivas de liderazgo judío, herramientos y prácticas disponibles para ampliar el rango de instancia temprana a media en la carrera de adultos judíos. Para descargar los primeros dos módulos por favor.

Material del Kansas Leadership Center

Nuestros amigos del KLC son líderes mundiales en desarrollo de liderazgo para el bien común. Trabajamos con ellos en múltiples niveles, incluyendo el desarrollo de la facultad, el aprendizaje virtual y la construcción de instituciones.
Para obtener información acerca del trabajo del KLC y el rango de oportunidades de desarrollo que ofrecen, visita su sitio:

Albert Einstein

I am by heritage a Jew, by citizenship a Swiss, and by makeup a human being, and only a human being, without any special attachment to any state or national entity whatsoever.

Albert Einstein

I am by heritage a Jew, by citizenship a Swiss, and by makeup a human being, and only a human being, without any special.
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