Job Description

Research specific market need, identify unmet demand, develop market strategy, assist in implementing the marketing strategy


courses and trainings; flexible work hours; mentor program; relaxed dress code


Engineer or management graduate

Company Description

The Israeli society for autonomous systems is home to tens of thousands of engineers, managers, physicists, opticians, and systems engineers engaged in the various branches of unmanned systems. The association covers many and varied content areas, such as: Propulsion systems, fuel, and electric propulsion systems, optical systems, day and night cameras, payloads, lasers, LIDARS, simulators for autonomous systems and field and city management, aerial, maritime, and land autonomous systems, control and monitoring systems, and communication systems. Society creates a space for training and professional upscaling. The society conducts conferences, seminars, workshops, and courses, as well as collaboration with universities around the world. Participation in society enables professional and continuous contact with experts, engineers, and the world of academia and industry, including relations with leading international organizations such as the AUVSI*. The society is a branch of AUVSI and conducts joint exhibitions and supports companies in the various frameworks. The society established a holistic approach to UA regulation and is collaborating with the PM office to establish acceptable regulation for autonomous systems.
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