About EcoPeace Middle East Environmental NGO Forum

Central Israel
Min - 4-6 months
EcoPeace Middle East is an extraordinary environmental peacebuilding organization of Israelis, Palestinians, and Jordanians. EcoPeace was founded in 1994 to advance sustainable regional development and the conditions for peace by promoting collaboration around shared environmental challenges, especially the need for water. By promoting an understanding that, from an environmental perspective, we are all in the same ‘boat’, EcoPeace seeks to replace policies that fail to take into account the interdependencies of the shared environment with policies that acknowledge a broader perspective of self-interests, and foster leadership prepared to deepen areas of cooperation and trust even in the midst of conflict. EcoPeace combines top-down advocacy with bottom-up constituency building. Recognizing that today, governments will look to change policy when they feel pressure from constituencies and citizens and when they know doing so will be received positively from the public, EcoPeace’s unique bottom-up approach readies the field for regional cooperation. EcoPeace’s top-down programs involve research, publication of policy briefs, events, and meetings with high-level stakeholders and decision-makers, while the bottom-up approach involves engaging local constituencies to call for and lead cross-border solutions to regional water issues.

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