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by Erica Weiner, MITF (Beit She’an)
My lesson this week is all about Hanukkah! I made a great poster! I had 5th and 4th grade lessons today. We discussed how I celebrate Hanukkah in the States with my family and how they celebrate in Beit She’an with their family. It was interesting trying to tell them that I usually say “nes gadol haya sham” (a big miracle happened there) while they say “nes gadol haya po” (a big miracle happened here). It was a bit of a confusing concept for them. Eventually they understand that only people in Israel say “here” because that is where the miracle happened! I taught them the English words for doughnuts, potato pancakes (fun fact: latkes is actually Yiddush!), candles, and dreidels (yes, that one is Yiddush). We also made Hanukkah cards to give to their family. I had weaker students during one of my lessons with the 5th grade boys. One of my students didn’t know how to write his name in English but I taught him! He wrote his card to his Mom and Dad, the content is in Hebrew, BUT he was able to sign his card in English so that was amazing. My other student wrote his card to his Grandma. They were both very excited to give them to their family members next week.
So many students told me today that this was the best English lesson they have ever had!
I was in such a holiday mood, I went to the grocery store and bought potatoes. I came home and made latkes! They were delicious!
I went to the community center tonight and 14 children came to come cook with me! On tonight’s menu: pizza! A crowd favorite. It was so much fun! The kids all asked if I was coming back tomorrow to teach them something new to make.
Overall, today was a good day.
Read more from Erica’s blog – Erica’s Journey

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