The Jewish people worldwide are mourning and coming to terms with a new reality as Israel declares war on Hamas. This decision follows the heinous attacks by Hamas on innocent Israeli and non-Israeli lives near Gaza’s border, as well as the ongoing rocket attacks launched across Israel.

In addition, this tragedy unleashed another painful reality for college students on campuses who are increasingly feeling more unsafe. Students have found themselves in the middle of so-called protests in the name of resistance by pro-Palestinian activists. They are chanting the denial of Israel’s right to exist, blaming Jews for all the problems with Hamas and beyond, and calling for violence and genocide against Jews. 

We have also seen social media posts that spread lies and misinformation about Israel and its history, ignore the context of the conflict, erase the diversity and humanity of Israeli society, and demonize and dehumanize Israelis and Jews. 

We support the right of peaceful criticism. However, what we have seen on social media in the past few days is not criticism This criticism of Israel conceals a darker truth of underlying antisemitism and plain lies – and this is unacceptable. 

Jewish students and professors, such as Shai Davidai, an assistant professor at Columbia University, are increasingly feeling unsafe in this hostile environment. But in these challenging times, our response must be one of unity and action. The Leadership and Impact Center at Masa has curated a set of resources and tips to combat antisemitism on college campuses to help foster an environment where everyone feels more secure and respected.

5 Ways to Combat Antisemitism on College Campuses

1) Raise Awareness and Educate

Knowledge dispels ignorance. Use your voice to share accurate information about Jewish history and culture. Challenge myths through social media, blogs, podcasts, or videos. Support organizations like The World Jewish Congress and The Anti-Defamation League that actively counter antisemitism. Or join Masa’s WhatsApp group that is dedicated to fighting the rapid lies spreading across social media. 

You can also listen to the Israel Conversation Podcast’s episode on this topic here.

2) Stand Up Against Hate

Combat antisemitism both online and offline. Report and flag hateful content on social media platforms. Intervene and report antisemitic incidents or harassment to campus authorities. Participate in solidarity campaigns like No Hate, No Fear, and Stop Antisemitism to reject hatred in your and our communities.

3) Celebrate Jewish Identity

Embrace your Jewish identity with pride. Practice customs, rituals, and traditions. Explore the richness of Jewish culture in music, art, literature, and cuisine. Connect with global Jewish communities to strengthen our sense of heritage and belonging. Seeking out and being around a community of other Jewish people can make you feel more connected and less alone. 

4) Foster Dialogue and Cooperation

Engage in meaningful dialogues with diverse perspectives. Know your facts and share them. Seek common ground and shared values that promote understanding. Support initiatives like The Abraham Initiatives and The Peace Factory that bridge divides and advocate for peace. See how brave Jewish students are speaking up and doing their bit on campuses right now.

5) Utilize Additional Resources

Educate yourself and others with accurate information. Explore articles such as “Facts Every College Student Needs to Know About Israel” and “14 Facts About Hamas Every College Student Needs to Know” from These resources provide valuable insights into the complexities of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. 

TIP: Exploring diverse perspectives, including opposing viewpoints presented by news channels and networks on Hamas and on the war, is vital for developing a nuanced understanding of the other side. However painful or non-sensical it might be. It promotes critical thinking, strengthens arguments, fosters empathy, and might even be able to build bridges across communities one day. Engaging with differing opinions enriches discussions, encourages respectful dialogue, and contributes to a more inclusive and harmonious academic environment.

9 Facts About Hamas Every College Student Should Know:

1) Hamas Origin and Ideology:

  • Hamas originated from the Muslim Brotherhood, founded by Hasan al-Banna in Egypt in 1928.
  • Al-Banna strongly opposed a Jewish state and admired Hitler.
  • Ahmed Yassin, a key proponent of the Muslim Brotherhood’s ideas, founded the Palestinian branch in the 1970s, leading to the formation of Hamas in 1987.

2) Destruction of Israel:

  • Hamas is dedicated to Israel’s destruction and aims to establish an Islamist government covering Israel, Gaza, and Palestinian Authority areas.
  • Its charter advocates violent means to eradicate Israel and considers Jews, not just Israelis, as enemies.

3) Continuous Attacks on Israel

  • Hamas’ military wing, the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, has attacked Israel since the 1990s, using various means, including rockets.
  • In 2021, Hamas launched over 4,000 missiles into Israel, causing casualties and deaths.

4) Genocidal Rhetoric:

  • Hamas’ charter contains anti-Semitic statements, calling for the killing of Jews and the destruction of Israel.
  • While a 2017 document hinted at the acceptance of a two-state solution, it was seen as a temporary step before Israel’s obliteration.

5) Political Power and Designation:

  • Hamas was voted into power in Gaza and the West Bank. It won the majority of seats in both regions.
  • It is designated as a terrorist organization by the US, EU, Canada, UK, Australia, and New Zealand.

6) Oppression of Women, Gays, and Political Dissidents:

  • Women’s rights in Gaza are restricted, with discriminatory laws and practices.
  • Hamas’ treatment of political prisoners, including torture and murder, is deemed “crimes against humanity” by Human Rights Watch.

7) Use of Civilians as Human Shields:

  •  Hamas uses civilians as human shields, concealing military sites in civilian areas.
  •  The organization locates military bases in densely populated areas, risking civilian lives.

8) Financial Support and Iran’s Involvement:

  • Hamas receives funds from various sources, including donations, smuggling, and international aid.
  • Iran provides financial support, advanced weaponry, military training, and cyber expertise to Hamas, posing a significant threat to Israel.

9) Leadership and International Support:

  • Senior Hamas leaders reside abroad, including in Qatar, Turkey, and London, leading businesses and enjoying political asylum.
  • Some leaders openly promote violence against Israel, and the organization is admired by certain groups globally.

Join Masa is Combatting Antisemitism on College Campuses

In conclusion, combating antisemitism on college campuses demands our collective effort. By raising awareness, standing against hate, celebrating Jewish identity, fostering dialogue, and understanding key facts, we can create a safer academic environment. Let’s challenge prejudice, promote empathy, and strengthen our arguments through critical thinking.

Join us and speak out against hatred, share accurate information, and support peace initiatives. Together, we can create campuses of tolerance and unity as we stand united and together with Israel. 

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