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by Rebecca Gutman, MITF Bat Yam


Break time!

Hello again!

It has definitely been a while this time.

A lot has happened over the last several weeks!

Last week I got to spend an informative week with the Masa Leadership Accelerator learning about adaptive leadership. We learned about adaptive leadership and got to take it from a realm of theory into reality by focusing on our real life challenges.

We got to go on excursions and had educational workshops and speakers. The excursion I went on was very interesting and informative. It was entitled Gender, Judaism and Equality, mainly focusing on the Kotel (Western Wall). We heard from all the different sides and stakeholders. There were many opinions from sects that I did not expect and also new ideas brought to light for me. I really appreciated the openness all of our speakers had to explain their position.

Of course when you are with a bunch of young adults you are going to have to let loose, so on the last night we had a Gala featuring music, food and of course alcohol.

One really interesting thing that happened on the summit was reconnecting with my friend Hayley, whom I met nearly 10 years ago on my first ever trip to Israel (YES BBYO Passport to the World!!!). I knew she was doing MITF as well but not the leadership summit and to top it all off we ended up as roommates! When we did our program in Israel we were roommates more than a couple of times! What a throwback! We had some good work out mornings and dance parties!

I wish I could write about the entire week but it would be pages and pages long. All in all it was one of my best experiences here. I learned a lot about leadership but also about myself. I feel like a different person coming out of the summit weekend.

Now it is that time of year, school break time!!! School let out for Passover on March 22, meaning we are free of responsibility until April 8!!!

I had a very fun week getting to hang out with people from the Summit and my friends I didn’t get to see for a week (which is saying something because we are ALWAYS together)!

Tash and I made sure to spend some quality time together as we didn’t get to spend a lot of time together at the summit, and her parents are here now!! I love my new British fam! She has the loveliest family ❤ #OldManAndTheSea

OH also this week Ariella may or may not have been attacked by a crow on our walk/run… Birds I tell ya…

And finally its now Thursday night, the day before Passover and the day before I go to Italy! I will be leaving in a few short hours for the trip of a lifetime because now after just over 6 weeks I get to see my parents!!!! I’m not crying, you’re crying (speaking about you MOM)!

That is all for now! Chag Sameach!!!

Read more in Rebecca’s blog Teaching Abroad 101

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