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My name is Eliza Greenwald, and I am a third year at the University of Florida. This past summer, I had the privilege of doing both Birthright and Onward programs. I was fortunate enough to experience a joyful summer in Israel during a period of peace, however, these past few weeks have taken a dark turn. The war in Israel is heart-wrenching. I have both family members and close friends serving in the Israeli army, working tirelessly so that Israel can maintain its status.

Eliza Greenwald

While I am not physically in Israel, I, along with all my Jewish friends, have witnessed a concerning increase in anti-Semitic incidents on our college campuses and around the world. Thankfully, the University of Florida’s president Ben Sasse released a statement in which he expressed his firm support for Israel. Unfortunately, this is not the case for most universities.  My sister attends New York University and calls me every day to tell me about a new pro-Palestine protest near her dorm. No Jewish person feels comfortable, even in cities with large Jewish populations like New York City.

Eliza Greenwald

Now more than ever, I feel so connected to my Judaism. If Hamas has done anything at all, it’s brought the Jewish people together in solidarity and strength. I believe in the importance of donating to organizations that provide aid to those in Israel. Equally important is engaging in meaningful conversations with others about the war.  Civil discourse is the most effective way to express your opinion or potentially change someone else’s perspective in a peaceful way, therefore it is crucial right now.

Eliza Greenwald

My summer in Israel deepened my Jewish pride. It taught me the importance of standing up for my beliefs and ensuring my voice is heard because it matters.  By speaking up for what we believe in, we, as Jewish people, have the potential to influence opinions and maybe even change some hearts and minds. Although Jewish people around the world may feel scared and even vulnerable, there is a prevailing sense of unity and commitment to securing a brighter future for generations to come.

Eliza Greenwald
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