School is very busy as I am preparing for English Day! English Day is a day that all of us fellows coordinate. Gilboa’s english day is May 15 and Noam’s english day is May 23rd. So I am very busy! Four of the five schools decided to work together to make the planning a bit easier. The theme is “around the world”. There are five of us girls and we each have a country that we will plan activities/vocabulary lists for. I am doing Ethiopia. Noam is presenting Spain, Hannah is presenting the United States, Hope is presenting India, and Anna is presenting Japan. We have an amazing day planned so far! We still have a lot of work to do, but it’s coming along nicely.
This past Thursday I went to Tel Aviv for an Aliyah meeting. It was super informative and I have a clearer idea of what my future looks like.
Tomorrow Netanya, Rehovot, and Be’er Sheva groups are coming to Beit She’an and we are going to the ruins, going to do a hike, and then swim in the sachne. It should be fun!
I was packing away my “winter” clothes and while doing that I deep cleaned my room and packed away things I don’t really need anymore. I realized I only have two months left here in this program. I have no idea where the past 8 months went! It’s crazy! Time flew by and I know the next two months will go even faster.
I have learned so much about myself and this country in the past 8 months. I am so grateful for this experience!
erica 1
Read more from Erica’s blog – Erica’s Journey

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