It might sound attractive to turn those late night pizza cravings into reality by studying abroad in Florence, but wait, there’s a better option. Every late night craving you’ve ever had can become a reality if you study abroad in Tel Aviv.

Here are 6 Reasons Why Studying Abroad in Tel Aviv Beats Florence:

The People
In Florence the only people you’ll ever meet are Italians, but if you come to Tel Aviv you’ll meet people from around the globe. Its city known around the world for being multi-cultural and with a population made up of 18-34-year-olds you’ll fit right into the mix.

The Language
Learning a new language can be rewarding-but tough. Good thing English is the 3rd unofficial language of Israel. Nearly every restaurant, bar, and street sign are written in English. #NeverGetLost

The Beaches
Florence is home to maybe one or two miles beaches, but 
why settle for two when you can live in Tel Aviv and have 8 miles of beaches.

The Nightlife

No doubt Florence has some of the best nightlife in Europe, but Tel Aviv is known for being the South Beach of the Middle East, dubbed the city that never sleeps, and was even named one of the 28 places to visit before you die. Say hello to partying around the clock.

source: Business Insider

The Food
What do you get when you mix culture after culture together? You get the tastiest food scene that exists on the planet. No matter if it’s 3:00 PM or 3:00 AM you can find anything from pizza to shawarma, to hummus, to sushi.

The History

You may be thinking Tel Aviv is nothing but a party, but you’ve thought wrong. On any given day you can walk the old port city of Jaffa and shop in hundred-year-old markets or see where the first Jewish immigrants laid eyes on the Promised Land.

Written by: Andria Kaplan Aylyarov

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