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Did college really happen if you didn’t study abroad? When you study abroad in Israel you’re able to take classes you can’t take anywhere else.

From diving deep into environmental studies at The Arava Institute to gaining the mad skills needed to build your own startup at the Technion, we promise to study abroad in Israel will not only change your life but also boost your career.

That’s why we’re here to give you 5 Awesome Classes You Can Only Take in Israel!

Without further ado allow us to introduce you to:

1. Peace-building Leadership Summit, from The Arava Institute, located at Kibbutz Ketura

Whether you choose to study abroad for a semester or a year, the Arava Institute will surely expand your mind. Each student at the institute will participate in the weekly Peace-building Leadership Summit. You’ll engage in deep dialogue that explores the issues of race, religion, culture and coexistence with fellow students from Jordan, Palestine, Israel and North America!

2. Innovation Management from Technion International, located in Haifa

Do you ever wonder how new technology can take over a nation, or how come every time the new iPhone comes out you have to have it? Through Technion’s Innovation Management, course you’ll discover what drives technological innovation and the media’s role in presenting innovations to the general public. You’ll be exposed to the impact of journalism on technology, and the impact of technology on journalism. Overall, this course will prepare you to read the global trends in innovation and strategically position yourself for success.

3. The Circle of Life – From Birth to Old Age from Tel Aviv University, located in Tel Aviv

If you’re pre-Med or looking to jumpstart a career in the medical field, then TAU’s Voyage to Medicine program is the perfect fit for you. You can take classes like The Circle of Life and explore medical ethical issues; gain knowledge about human development and most of all take field trips to the IDF’s Medical Corps training base. Talk about being fully immersed in Israel!

4. Derech Hatgar/ Hagalim  Project, from IDC Herzliya located in Herzliya

As part of your semester or year abroad, help at-risk youth learn challenges and triumphs of sports! You’ll coach up to three kids ages 14-17 years-old on everything from homework to basketball to the thrills of life for college credit. You’ll get to shoot hoops and make a difference (while shining up your resume).

5. From Idea to Start-Up from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva

Do you crave adventure? Have you jotted down millions of business ideas but need that final push? Enroll for a semester at Ben-Gurion University and turn your idea into a reality in the class “From Idea to Start-Up.” You’ll focus on the phases of venture development and spark your entrepreneurship skills with top-notch academic guidance.

Whoa! You’re probably thinking you’ve got to take one of these classes! No worries, talk to a Masa Israel rep today.
However, if you didn’t see the perfect class for yourself Israel has several universities offering hundreds of programs. Check out to find your perfect match.

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