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Scholarships Jewish Students should take advantage of right now

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1. AJLI Scholarship Program

The American Jewish League for Israel’s mission is to connect American Jewry to Israel and to strengthen Jewish values through bringing students to Israel. Any Jewish student looking to study at an institution of higher learning in Israel is eligible for this scholarship.

Scholarship amount: $4,000-$6,000

Number of recipients: 5-6 per year

Where to apply:

2. Diller Tikkun Olam Awards

Every year, the Hellen Diller Family Foundation awards scholarships for Jewish students who have demonstrated leadership through a social justice project. The money can be used to further their projects or their education. Students can apply for this scholarship directly or be nominated by someone else. 

Scholarship amount: $36,000

Number of recipients: 15 per year

Where to apply:

3. Sara and Max Goldsammler Scholarship

Sponsored by Orthodox Union (OU) Alumni, this essay contest is open to any Jewish high school senior or college student who has demonstrated leadership. Their scholarship for Jewish students aims to empower the next generation of Jewish young adults.  

Scholarship amount: $1,000 for the first-place winner, $500 for the second-place winner, $300 for the third-place winner

Number of recipients: 3 per year

Where to apply:

4. Morris J. and Betty Kaplun Essay Contest

Every year, the Morris J. and Betty Kaplun Foundation runs an essay contest to encourage exploration of Jewish identity. They award a total of 12 scholarships for Jewish students each year; six for students in grades 7-9 and six for students in grades 10-12. 

Scholarship amount: The first-place winners in each level receive $1,800. The next five winners in each level receive $500. 

Number of recipients: 12 per year

Where to apply:

5. Helen B. Reich Scholarship

This scholarship for Jewish students was established by the American Zionist Movement for American university students who are actively engaged in pro-Israel activities on their campuses or in their communities. Applicants must already have been accepted to study in Israel at an undergraduate program at Ben-Gurion University, University of Haifa, or Tel Aviv University for a minimum of one semester. Recipients of this scholarship are chosen based on both need and merit, and are expected to remain involved with the American Zionist Movement when they return to the United States. 

Scholarship amount: $750-$1,500

Number of recipients: 2-7 per semester

Where to apply:

6. The NCSY Canada Gap Year Scholarship Fund

This is open to Canadian Jewish students with financial need who have been active in NCSY Canada for at least two years, have attended a non-denominational or public high school, and will attend yeshiva, seminary, or the Bar Ilan Israel experience in Israel. Scholarship recipients must participate in ten learning sessions prior to their gap year in Israel and ten learning sessions after they return to Canada following their gap year. 

Scholarship amount: $100-$1000

Number of recipients: Undisclosed

Where to apply:

7. Hilda Specter Morgenstern Merit Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded to a Jewish American woman with a GPA of 3.5 or higher who will study in Israel during her undergraduate education and who demonstrates strong interest in public advocacy, public policy, or government affairs. 

Scholarship amount: $2,500

Number of recipients: 1 per year

Where to apply:

8. Helen B. and Lewis E. Goldstein Scholarship Fund

Administered by the Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund of San Francisco, the Peninsula, and Marin and Sonoma Counties, this merit-based scholarship for Jewish students is for undergraduate or graduate students currently enrolled in an accredited four-year college or university in the United States. Preference is given to students who are immigrants and who are enrolled in professional schools. 

Scholarship amount: Up to $6,800

Number of recipients: 1-2 per year

Where to apply:

9. Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) Scholars Program

This scholarship for Jewish students is specifically for refugees and asylees and their children who were assisted by HIAS to come to the United States. Applicants must have already completed a full year of study at an accredited U.S. undergraduate or graduate school. 

Scholarship amount: $4,000

Number of recipients: Undisclosed

Where to apply:

10. Handeli First-Year Student Scholarship

This Hillel International scholarship for Jewish students is for graduating high school students who have demonstrated leadership or local volunteer service. Applicants must be preparing to seek a bachelor’s degree at an accredited college or university in the United States or Canada. 

Scholarship amount: $4,000

Number of recipients: 1 per year

Where to apply:

11. Hillel Campus Leadership Award

This scholarship is for Jewish full-time undergraduate students who demonstrate extraordinary leadership ability and have a minimum GPA of 2.5. Applicants must commit to attending at least one Hillel event in the upcoming school year. 

Scholarship amount: $4,000

Number of recipients: 1 per year

Where to apply:

12. The Jewish Federations of North America’s Scholarships for Local Jewish Students

Many local Jewish Federations offer grants and scholarships for Jewish students going to Israel. Check with your federation to see what options you may be eligible for. 

Where to apply:

13. Masa Scholarships for Jewish Students

Masa Israel Journey offers a wide-range of grants and Jewish scholarships for young adults seeking life-changing programs in Israel, including: study abroad, volunteering, gap year, and internships in IsraelApply now to make studying abroad a reality!

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